Our positive impact strategy includes leaving the environment better off than when we started operations. We aim to protect, and where possible enhance, all natural resources to promote sustainable development opportunities for present and future generations. This pillar covers climate action, biodiversity, responsible water management, waste management, sustainable land access and the development of nature-based solutions.


Climate change poses the most significant long-term risk to our society. The climate crisis threatens many aspects of life in Mexico, from flooding to drought. Implications are felt across the country in varying degrees of inequality. Honoring our claim to do things right from the start – Jaguar is proud to be the first O&G company to be carbon positive from the beginning of our operations. We believe it is possible to go beyond by making additional positive contributions to the environment such as our “Jaguares en La Selva” project or offsetting more carbon than GHG emissions released.

We are also the first Mexican-owned Oil & Gas company to fully support the Paris Agreement’s goal to keep the rising global average temperature at two degrees Celsius (2°C, or 3.6°F) above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5°C (or 2.7°F).

We commit to:

We promote and advocate a range of active fronts to meet the Paris goals through partnerships, industry associations, and government engagement. We are working to bring solutions forwards:


At Jaguar E&P, biodiversity is respected, valued, preserved, restored, and used sustainably, maintaining ecosystem services and protecting the essential benefits that nature brings to all human beings.

We commit to:

We focus on ecological preservation by contributing to the Alianza Nacional para la Conservación del Jaguar (National Alliance for the Conservation of the Jaguar). This employee-funded initiative provides us with a visible program that supports an APEX species inhabiting all areas where we operate.

Together with the foundation, we have received approval to work on an ecological compensation program not co-located with the impact. Our program is the first of its kind in the Oil & Gas industry in Mexico, and the government highly supports its pilot. Furthermore, we worked towards the liberation of two jaguars previously rescued in captivity, while more jaguars are currently being released in the Yucatan Peninsula.



Water is an essential element of the life we protect and preserve. We fully understand pressing water scarcity issues since we face floods and droughts in different regions of Mexico. Moreover, in our operations, we save, sanitize, and reuse water as much as possible.
At Jaguar E&P, we are committed to the sustainable use and management of water by implementing the following principles:

  • Minimize the use of drinking water in our operations and implement programs that promote the responsible consumption and management of water in our activities and operations.
  • Promote the protection and conservation of groundwater
  • Ensure effective and holistic management of water resources
  • Maximize the use of recycled water in our operational processes
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